Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The most perfect day for Ava

Yes I'm still alive. I have been MIA for an embarrasingly long amount of time. Day to day stuff makes the days I've missed turn in to months, and all of a sudden I haven't blogged in 9 months! I could've had a baby in the amount of time I've missed on here!! (No I'm not pregnant :))

Last Saturday we took Ava to see Disney Princesses on Ice. Sherry, or as Ava calls her Grandma's Sherry, bought tickets for all the women and girls in our family to see the Princesses together. We knew we had pretty good seats, but I was not prepared for how good Sherry hooked us up!

You see the four people sitting on the very front row? So close they could trip the skaters if they wanted? Yeah, that was us. Don't be jealous :)

Ava was extremely excited to go see the princesses. I love this age, because everything's so real to her. I'm not sure she blinked through the entire thing. Actually, I don't think any of us blinked. My mom and sister and I loved it as much as she did. The princess were gorgeous, the princes were dashing, and the dancing and skating was amazing. The best part was that we were right at the podium where they would do part of the scene. Ava would grab my hand any time a villain came on stage, particularly the evil stepmother from Cinderella. Here's a picture of her eating her snow cone while watching Cinderella.

Ava kept asking if the show was almost over. At first I thought she was becoming bored and wanted to go home. When it was over, she asked if we could stay and if they'd come back out. She was asking if it was over because she was worried we would have to leave! We had to talk her in to leaving the auditorium at the end.
Ava absolutely loved the show, and I know all of us adults did as well. For just a few hours, you're transported back to Ava's age, believing in fairy tales, believing in magic, and thinking when you grow, you're going to be just like them.
Thanks so much Sherry for the tickets! It's something we'll always remember!

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